From the department of, “Oh. Duh. ‘Glad there weren’t instructions for it.” The Problem I was having I was trying to update payment information in Google Domains. There were three of my past mailing addresses in there at the time. I was trying to put in a new one at Google Domains > Domain of […]
Blog Great Chicago Sports website. An example that your first website won’t be perfect.
As I was talking about on my personal site, I was looking forward to checking out to see how it how it stacks up to other Chicago sports sites. But, it’s me, so while reading and skimming, I started getting into the guts of the website to see if there were things they could […]
How to set up a WordPress install in WP Engine (with Pics).
So, my wife wanted to make sure she had instructions to install WordPress sites on WP Engine. Here’s how I’ve done it. If I forgot anything, let me know please. Additional New Install in WP Engine Log into to you account: Click the Add Install link at the top: The easiest way is clicking […]
AdRank is how AdWords determine ad position.
Introduction to AdRank How AdRank works What you really pay per position Tiebreakers: a theory Introduction to AdRank In the last step you learned that Quality Score is the software AdWords uses to determine the quality of your offering on a keyword: ad copy landing page bid per keyword your budget Now, to determine which […]
Quality Score is how AdWords determines what you can pay per click.
Clients I talk to get so caught up in “how much does AdWords cost,” and “how much is it per keyword,” they miss out on how to get a positive ROI from their efforts, and how their efforts will be rewarded. To know where best to put your AdWords effort, it’s best to look at […]
Expanded text ads vs. Legacy AdWords text ads: The difference.
On July 26, 2016, Google gave their advertisers what they’ve always wanted: more room on their text ads. With the release of Expanded Text Ads, advertisers will now be able to increase the length and size of their search text messages. They are as follows: # Before Now Net Gain Headline: 1 row. 25 characters […]
Google is your broker. Facebook is your best friend.
I was talking to a buddy of mine who uses Facebook Ads to seemingly great success, but when it comes to AdWords he’s lost in the woods. I’ve tried explaining how AdWords works to him, but since he sees it through his experience with Facebook, he gets confused. He’s quite smart. Tier 1 Business school […]
[List] Google Advertising and Analytics Programs (so far)
For a company that loves to talk about upsells and cross sells and direct response and ROI, Google has a tendency to make finding their additional services similar to a treasure hunt. via GIPHY In the name of One-Eyed Willie and all things spectacular, here they are, so far as I know them, written below: […]
How to Add an AdWords Manager (MCM) Account to a client’s account
What you’ll need: A Google manager (MCM) account: If you don’t have one set up, click here to set one up. “Yes. It’s free to sign up.” In fact, the first AdWords account you set up should always be a manager account. Your Client Customer IDs. : They can usually find them next to the […]
Is Asana’s Task Dependencies feature available for free? Perhaps? Pretty Please?
Katie sent me the link a couple days ago that cloud / browser-based PM Software Asana – a personal favorite of mine – is finally including task dependencies. I even scheduled out social media updates via Hootsuite to spread my joy. I did a happy dance. I picked up my dog, Lily, and twirled her […]