(amazing the things you find when you flickr search “not the king.” Flickr photo by Don Soto) The essence of Brogan’s post “Content Is Not King” from yesterday was: “Content is currency. You’re the king.” Yesterday I reaffirmed my belief in why Content will forever be king. Today, I reaffirm why You and I are […]
If Content Isn’t Your King, You’re Enslaved
I’ve spent the last 90 minutes obsessing over a 2.0 concept just because Chris Brogan wrote a post titled, “Content is Not King.” “I hate him sometimes,” lied Finn. The intent of the post was to reinforce the human aspect of social media – putting the “social” back into Social Media. As he put it, […]
99 Weeks and the Recovery from the Corporate Needle
A long back-end of 2009 came to a peaceful end. I’ll miss the production crew, but unless something magical happens the synergy in that office we’ll never go back to the way it was. At least not today and probably not tomorrow. “I’ve seen the needle and the damage done,” – Neil Young. I’ve been […]
2009 Halloween Social Media Revolution in Indy
Sometimes things don’t go according to plan. If you’re lucky, those things end up working about better than you could have ever imagined. I came down to Indy for 2009 Halloween to see the sacred, hallowed grounds for Indianapolis New Media Marketers from 96th Street to Greenwood: The Bean Cup. Today is the last day […]
Social Media Presentation Video – Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce
(Nat Finn, Nichole Baiel, and Rahsaan Taylor giving a Social Media Presentation at the Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce – August 25, 2009) Finally got the video playlist set up from the Social Media Presentation me and a couple co-workers gave before the Valparaiso (IN) Chamber of Commerce. Here it is The YouTube playlist we used […]
When Developing a Social Media Department While Working on a Writing Career
When developing a social media while working on a writing career, one should be faithfully mindful of a simple concept: opportunity cost. Case and point: this evening. After 12 hours of work I warmed up some rigitoni as a part of my dinner. Instead of getting off the bed after inhaling dinner I laid there […]
Special Second Tweet-Up Held in Valparaiso Tonight
A final reminder for Northwest Indiana Twitterers and Tweeps to mark your calendars and update your crackberries: livemercial will be hosting a “Second Tweet-Up” at Pikk’s Tavern in Valparaiso, IN tonight, TUESDAY October 6th. And when you get there, let the people at Pikk’s know you’re there for the tweet-up and then head on down […]
My 2009 ERA D2C Experience – Blog, Twitter, Social Media and All
(Jennifer Crawford of HSN, Sullivan Productions, and QVC England was our host for the corporate promotion. Yes, she accidentally bumps into Anthony Sullivan as he’s filming “PitchMen!”) Throughout all the chaos of having my flight changed from the company jet to Northwest Airlines – with a layover in Minneapolis – so the team could make […]
Valpo Chamber Social Media Workshop Over. Confluence Next?
(@NatFinn, @IAmFiction, and @Saan1911 give “Social Media for the Win” workshop at the Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce in Valparaiso, IN. The video picks up at the second half of the session, after the break) Yesterday, myself and three co-workers gave a Social Media Workshop titled “Social Media for the Win,” on behalf of the Valparaiso […]
6 Concepts I Came Away with at 2009 BlogIndiana
(Chris Brogan with Duncan Alney of FireBelly at BlogIndiana. I’m trying to practice what I speak, I swear) I was glad to have had another year of Social Media / Blogging / SEO under my belt when I went back to BlogIndiana. Instead of trying to understand the language, I was able to bring poignant […]