(Looking forward to heading down towards the Tippecanoe River and take in a tweetup) I’m actually trying to convince myself to go to bed early so I can get in a fair amount of client work before I head out to Lafayette, IN for their tweetup. I’m looking forward to the event. Not only am […]
But If You’re Going To Plan A TweetUp…
Yesterday I talked about how not every Tweetup Can be planned. My late night consumption of steak tacos and enchiladas is a testament to the spontaneity of Tweetups and other Social Media Events. (#afteraftertweetup shout out to Dave, Josh, and Rich) I love unplanned Tweetups. I get to repaint coffee houses and eat great food […]
Why You Can’t Always Plan a Tweetup
(Try planning this kind of fun. Go ahead, good luck) Tweetups, like Meetups and Networking Events, are always nice to plan. It’s also helpful to be able to pick your venue, plan a menu, craft a guest list, and develop a framework for how the evening should flow in advance. It’s especially helpful to the […]
Is Your Blog Prepped for Cyber Monday?
Right now I’m watching the Colts work a comeback against the Texans. Then I’m going to go to the gym and finally get my body back in shape and my energy up. Last year at this time I was prepping blog posts for release on Cyber Monday. How many posts? 7, if memory serves, all […]
Can Your Business Handle the Drama Caused By a Nail?
So my grandfather got new tires last Saturday from the local gas station. The tires were part of his pre-Florida roadtrip tune-up. Snowbirds need to make sure their wings are ready for flight. The owner of the gas station & oldold man Finn have been friends since long before my existence. In fact, that gas […]
The Adaptability of Social Media
“Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows” – Sun Tzu Do enough research about social media and you’ll find contradictions. For every purist who tells you to engage in the conversation there’s another whose telling you to target and get results. Then some think the roof will […]
Is It 2.0, Social Media, New Media, or Inbound Marketing? Picking a Name that Sticks
The problem with getting in on the second floor of a movement is that usually the boundaries aren’t defined. Take this example: Are you a business looking to enhance your web presence? Do you know what you’re looking for? You were probably overwhelmed with a mountain of concepts. Keep those business strategies safe and dry […]
My First SEO Boy Post and More Good News to Come. Hopefully
I sent my first post off to the editor at SEO Boy at the end of day yesterday. Except the end of day in Bloomington, IN is an hour earlier than the EOD of Valparaiso, IN. Damned Region CST. A mistake that won’t happen twice. But given the whirlwind, I don’t think anybody minded. Being […]
With TweetUps, the AfterTweetUp Is the One to Attend
We’re getting better with our TweetUps in The Region – Chicago South Suburbs to South Bend. We’ve got a cool one coming up in December – if you like bowling. And Lord help the poor Ghet who doesn’t tie in charity / non-profit when sponsoring our get-togethers. I think #NWITweetUp will grow from a fad […]
99 Weeks Week 1 – The First NWITweetup As a Free Agent
In about an hour I get to go my first #NWITweetup as a free agent. The last few I’ve gone under the banner of the employer. Luckily a few things seem to be going my way in my plight to be my own employer. Hopefully those things pan out a little better in the coming […]