iPhone Dread: Since I’ve upgraded my iPhone 4 to Apple’s iOS 6, I’ve been struggling with two of their recent updates. Go figure, they’re both Google-related.
- Removing YouTube & making it an app. One word: “Grrrr!”
- Replacing Google Maps with Apple Maps
I’ve used Apple Maps three times since I updated my phone last Friday night.
The first time I used Apple Maps I wanted to see how well it could reach a well known establishment, Old Chicago Pizza & Pasta, located just off Interstate 65 & US 30. The intersection is a heavily trafficked area of the Region, 40 miles Southeast of Chicago. Apple Maps could get me to the intersection of US 30 (81st St.) & Rhode Island St. This put me a block away. By Comparison, Google Maps puts me at the location.
The second time I used Google Maps was to use it to get out of Valparaiso and head out to Crown Point, IN. They way out of town is the way many folks used to get to the shopping malls in Hobart / Merrillville or access Interstate 65 to head to Indianapolis (when they’re not backroading. Suckers). Google Maps has had enough input and feedback to know that the most popular way to Merrillville from the middle of Valparaiso is to take Joliet Rd. (old US 30) due west out of town to where it meets with US 30. From there, travelers head west to the malls & dining areas – like Old Chicago!. Apple Maps decided I needed to drive over a block before heading heading back east before going due south to US 30. Apparently, Apple thinks I need to drive through an additional 6 stop lights & travel tangent a-bit before heading to where I want to go.
While checking out Apple Maps long way out of town, I noticed they had a listing for the Valparaiso Technical Institute. I thought it was nice and nostalgic. VTI was in the southwest part of town. When we weren’t creating havoc in the hallowed halls, me, Grmm, Bugh & crew used to play baseball in those filed before the property was sectioned off and converted into single home lots. See, Valparaiso Technical Institute shut its doors in 1991. Google Maps knew this.
This will probably be my last iPhone…maybe
I will continue to use my iPhone 4 while I can still finagle the last bit of functionality out of its dying bottom button. Given the way my phone’s been struggling to answer calls since the update, the need to switch will come sooner rather than later. I’ll admit that the Samsung Galaxy 3S commercial has me thinking.
Until Gene Roddenbery can sue Apple for stylistic copywright infringement, I’ll side with Samsung on the recent bit of lawsuits and this review is being written on a Samsung 7 Ultra Book. I’m also catching up on Castle & Hawaii 5-0, watching it on a Samsung 46” LED TV. That said, unless Apple can give Steve Jobs some serious smelling salts and hook a truck battery up to his ticker, I think I can say that I’m finally breaking free of Apple and making a full Google Conversion. Maybe. I’m also not one for putting all his eggs in one basket.
In the mean time
I downloaded YouTube and put it back in its proper place on the home screen. I also set Google Maps as a shortcut and placed it back in the home screen. I threw through Apple Maps in some folder in a back screen when I wish I could put their Newsstand app.
One thing’s for certain
Apple splitting from Google was a really, really, really bad idea for Macland.
Link to tell Apple their Apple Maps SNAFUs
If only they had a community to do this…you know, like Google.
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