It’s 2pm. Jim Ulom of Certified Home Inspections is breaking down the tables after the first Lunch & Learn. Dave Woodson is at the desk showing Michelle Ulom how to use a tablet PC. I’m lounged out on the couch, staring out the window watching the cars whiz by down US 30 & letting both the high of the event & the wisdom of Coach Lee wash over me.
The Event Was an Astounding Success
Introducing something new to a small group of community pillars is always frightening. Especially when it’s an idea that’s two steps ahead of what local communities are doing. It’s going to be a first. It’s going to be interesting.
The Commitment & Interaction…
…was unbelievable. People not only liked the idea, but they contributed and volunteered. This thing might actually happen.
Special Thanks to…
Certified Home Inspections & Innovative Cleaning for the room, Wi-Fi & desserts, AT&T Wireless of Northwest Indiana, Cartronix, Golden Technologies, Hines Plumbing, Panorama Now Magazine, ADVANCED Systems, Gosser Corporate Sales & Valpo Life for their contributions & commitments. It was unbelievable amount of support and passion. It made speaking easy.
What’s the Project?
I’ll admit to it once it’s announced.
It’s one of three I hope to announce soon.
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