We’re getting better with our TweetUps in The Region – Chicago South Suburbs to South Bend. We’ve got a cool one coming up in December – if you like bowling. And Lord help the poor Ghet who doesn’t tie in charity / non-profit when sponsoring our get-togethers.
I think #NWITweetUp will grow from a fad into a solid movement yet. That’s exciting. Credit goes to James Barath, Steve Dalton, Dave Woodson, Kathy Sipple and the rest of the clan for keeping the dream alive.
I’ve been asking around the TwitterVerse about how other TweetUps work. I seldom hear positive things outside of:
- “Yeah we get people to come.”
- “Yeah, we have good conversations.”
- “Yeah we network.”
- “Yeah, we get free appetizers.”
- “Yeah, there are good drinks.”
And there’s nothing wrong with that.
Looks like New Hampshire has it down to a science. (And if you get 3 minutes in and simply can’t watch anymore, it’s okay to stop. I did.)
Makes a great party. But how do you grow a TweetUp?
Many people talk about what to do to make it better. Few do much about it.
Then it dawned on me…
A few of us left last Tuesday’s NWITweetUp, went across the street, and talked about how we could continue to help create a self-sufficient 2.0 community in The Region. A couple Gumballheads and a few good laughs later and it dawned on meĀ that we were already doing the next step in TweetUps – the AfterTweetUp.
How to Have an AfterTweetUp
- Invite those in the area interested in 2.0/inbound/social media/inbound marketing to the TweetUp.
- Meet as many people as you can at the TweetUp
- Find which people you want to want to know in greater detail – business, cultural, dating…whatever.
- When the TweetUp dies down, take them across the street and have an AfterTweetup.
No two people have the same goals or objectives when going to a TweetUp. Some want to party. Some want contacts. Some want both – and they’re usually the coolest because they usually buy rounds. The trick is to find people who will harmonize with your objectives and drink…NETWORK with them. Or just hang out with your friends. And if you’re realllllly lucky, you get to do both.
Unless, like next month, “across the street” is an old brick house then in those cases, adjust and find the nearest establishment.
Proof our TweetUps still have room to grow. We don’t have these:
(above image from Flickr’s BeerLuver. Top image from Flckr’s DJ Quickie Mart – if only we could get The Most Interesting Man in the World to the NWITweetUp)
Thanks for props, and you’re right on the money, more chances to network … some people like the formality if a set agenda for tweetup (even a fundraiser) others will find more in the after tweetup when things can go to all kinds of social media … blogging … SEO … and networking face to face.
right on. the trick is to get The Region to know that they don’t have to run to the west side of the lake for their online / 2.0 / social media / inbound marketing needs (and yes, my next post will probably be about condensing those industry terms down into one title). And for those who don’t have an online interest, today, we continue to share our story, break bread, and hope they tell their friends about our tales as we tell our friends about their tales.
All I’m saying is that I need one of those badges. I even have extra lanyards from my many trade show attendances. Let’s move it forward. I’m on the bus.
We’ll have to bring it up at the next #nwitweetup