Latest updates: the holiday party is kid-friendly, free pizza & @ZaoIsland 's latest event room renovations! #nwindiana #nwi…
— NWIMeetup (@nwimeetup) November 29, 2013
I’ve considered on more than one occasion what Daver and my last #NWITweetup would be like. I’ve been looking forward to going out to pasture, sitting in the back with the community elders as we take playful pot shots at the mistakes the next director makes as they begin nurturing for the next generation. How come? Because it’s how we all learned.
I didn’t expect to be sick for two solid weeks leading up to the event
All the videos, interviews and round-up tours leading up to the last event went right out the window. If I hadn’t slept 30 hours in the last 2 days, I’d be sleeping right now. While we’re at it, please excuse the type-o’s because I’m going to treat the Publish button like a snooze button. Damned neck.
It’s a coin toss as to whether or not I go – and I feel bad because Zao Island Operations Manager is my boy – Ryan Wright. And it’s a shame because Zao Island’s story really needs to be told.
Zao Island’s 30,000+ Facebook Fans should be praised
They’ve done some incredible things with social media. They build their whole Laser Tag market with the help of Facebook and Twitter.
Have I mentioned that their story should be told?
When I get healthy, we’ll tell the story either way
I’ve got 3 blogs. :-).
Have some free best pizza in Porter County while you’re at it
The Wright family has got some cool things coming up, and we’ll be a whole lot of fun to talk to. I look up to the work they’re doing. It’s worth investigating.
Remember to bring an unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots
And you’ll be entered into the drawing for the evening’s prizes with each toy donated.
If I’m too sick to see y’all tonight
Be kind to the new director. The next couple years will have some incredible energy not experienced in awhile. It’ll be the shot in the art #NWITweetup needs.
And, thank you
For tolerating Daver and I for 4 years. We learned a lot. We hope we brought some smiles to peoples’ faces. And we hope we continue to see new faces as we sit in the back and enjoy the evenings.
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