A final reminder for Northwest Indiana Twitterers and Tweeps to mark your calendars and update your crackberries: livemercial will be hosting a “Second Tweet-Up” at Pikk’s Tavern in Valparaiso, IN tonight, TUESDAY October 6th.
And when you get there, let the people at Pikk’s know you’re there for the tweet-up and then head on down to the basement – at the end of the entrance hall, turn right and follow the stairs down.
Appetizers and a cash bar will be available to the first 25 attendees. Livemercial CEO Johnny Mathis will be giving an introductory speech, introductions will be made, tweet-up business will be conducted and it sounds like a Wii might be there too. Also, representatives from Opportunity Enterprises will on hand with a few of their fine pieces of arts and crafts which will be auctioned off at the end of the tweet-up. The proceeds of the auction will go to benefit Opportunity Enterprises.
Please bring your liveliness, your conversation, and most important, yourselves.
Special Northwest Indiana “Second Tweet-up” time: 6pm-8pm+ CST
Special Northwest Indiana “Second Tweet-Up” Date: TUESDAY, October 6th, 2009
Location (always a special place): Pikk’s Tavern, Valparaiso, IN
Map to Pikk’s Tavern:
And as a reminder, this “Second Tweet-Up” will be hosted in addition to the regularly scheduled Northwest Indiana tweet-up, which is usually held on the 4th Thursday of the month. The place of that event has yet to be determined at the time of this post.
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