Sometimes the hardest part about understanding an industry is figuring out all its key elements. That’s why we crafted the As Seen on TV Life Resources page: for our readers, prospective inventors and employees, and for ourselves – just so we can keep track of it all. Please take a moment to read over. If you think we’ve missed something or find that your company / entity / movement should be included, let us know by either leaving a comment below or contacting us via our contact page methods.
Associations / Trade Shows:
ERA – Electronic Retailing Association. Created in 1991 in attempts to self-govern the direct response / infomercial industry during the Wild West days, the ERA is generally considered the governing body on the Infomercial / As Seen on TV industry. ERA includes a resource community, annual membership dues (pending size & scope) and a series of trade shows that are generally considered the must-attend industry events.
DMA – Direct Marketing Association – Infomercial / As Seen on TV is considered a cousin of direct marketing. Therefore, paying attention to its governing body – the Direct Marketing Association – is typically a smart idea.
DRMA – Direct Response Marketing Alliance – Because no industry can have one governing body, the DRMA is around to focus solely on those products that sell through Direct Response – as seen on tv, seminar, infomercials…Their major event is the Response Expo.
International Housewares Association – An association dedicated to all things home and housewares. They have webinars and events throughout the year including the annual
International Home & Housewares Show.
Ad:Tech – The show that fuses advertising and technology into an amazing vision of the the future, Ad:Tech is a must attend show for even the smallest of entities.
As Seen on TV / Infomercial Product Companies.
AllStar Products Group (Marketing) – We got one word: Snuggie. Yeah, this is them. Perhaps the hottest As Seen on TV product marketing in the world right now. Eggies, Topsy Turvy, Magic Mesh, Swivel Store…
TELEBrands – This is the company founded by AJ Khubani – The King of Infomercial. The one who coined the phrase, “As Seen on TV.” Aluma Wallet, Ped Egg, Robostir, Pet Rider…
Guthy Renker – Proactiv. Wen Hair Care, Cindy Crawford Meaningful Beauty, Dean Martin Celebrity Roast…if AllStar is the hottest, Guthy Renker might be the biggest. Submit a product idea.
BeachBody – P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire, Body Gospel…all from the same company. At present, Beach Body is a leader in infomercial workout programs.
Idea Village – AJ Khubani has a brother named Andy. Andy Khubani owns IdeaVillage, an As Seen on TV product company in New Jersey that’s all the way next store from TELEBrands. And they’re not slouch themselves: HD Vision Aviators, Micro Touch Max, Easy Feet…
Ontel Products – AJ & Andy Khubani have a third brother, Chuck. Chuck Khubani owns his own As Seen on TV product company – Ontel. Ontel is located next to his brothers’ company in New Jersey. Ontel has had success of its own: Iron Gym, Pillow Pets, Swivel Sweeper G2…
Merchant Media – A product company that isn’t owned by a Khubani – we think. Merchant Media deals primarily in the television and retail aspect of products. Its successes have included Wibderfile, Swivel Store, Style Snaps and the classic Bendaroos.
Church & Dwight – The same company whose products include Arm & Hammer, Mentadent & Aim toothpaste dabble quite heavily in the Direct Response market as well. Can you say Trojan?
TriStar Products – You almost have to be in Fairfield, NJ if you want to be an As Seen on TV product company. TriStar is no different. Genie Bra, Jack LaLanne Power Juicer, Montel Williams Living Well…TriStar is a major player.
Emson – Owned by Eddie Mishan and sons, Emson is the company behind AbRocket, Big Boss Grill and is the distributor for The Sharper Image product line.
Hampton Direct – PajamaJeans, Total Pillow, Furniture Fix, Twin Draft Guard…Hampton Direct is another one of those products you didn’t knew you knew. But you know now…
Plymouth Direct – Ever seen those classic Billy Mays Mighty Putty Commercials? The company behind Mighty Putty – Plymouth Direct.
Time / Life – The world famous magazines also specialize in classic & nostalgic collectibles including Time / Life Singers & Songwriters, The Six Million Dollar Man: The Complete Collection and their award wnning The Nazis: A Warning from History.
National Collector’s Mint – a leader in collector and replica products, NCM runs many commercials that help keep you company late at night. 2011 U.S. $50 Buffalo Gold Piece replica, official licensee of GM, Ford, Chrysler, Indianapolis 500…
Franklin Mint – since 1964, Franklin Mint has been making collector and replica collectors for many great companies.
Direct Response Magazines.
Electronic Retailer – the magazine of the ERA.
Response – the magazine of the DRMA.
Inventor’s Digest – and independent magazine chronicling the spirit of innovation.
Direct Magazine – From the group who brings Chief Marketer Magazine.
Internet Direct Response / Seminar Agencies.
Digital Target Marketing – a full service online internet response company whose marketed online products include Space Bag, Happy Nappers, and more.
Infomercial.tv – online marketing, e-commerce @ web design: that’s infomercial.tv.
Ignite Media – another full service online agency that also deals in voice and mobile.
Internet Direct Response – an online direct response boutique specializing in marketing and testing of as seen on tv / infomercial products.
Liquid Focus – internet direct response agency that provides full service online marketing.
Permission Interactive – you know those As Seen on TV websites that run scrolling animated graphics by the video. Then you know Permission Interactive’s work.
Infomercial / Commercial Production
Blue Moon Studios – Ever seen Billy Mays’ OxiClean commercials? Thank Blue Moon Studios for it.
Liberman Productions – a 15-year-old company specializing in the making of both long form and short form infomercials.
- contact – New Site Coming Soon at last check.
Respond2 – perhaps the only self-sufficient, full service direct response company, Respond2 is also one of the bigger infomercial production studios.
Sullivan Productions – Anthony Sullivan is more than a pitchman. Sully also owns his own production company (but you fans already knew that).
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