Finn Squared

Passing on the #NWITweetup Torch

Passing the #NWITweetup Torch

I’m taking a break on the couch before Katie gets home, tracing the sleep-deprivation fog I wrote about yesterday that is still in my head. While horizontal I am texting with one of the Project 03 confidants who is in a similar place in her career as I am.

She has lots of interests and a bevy of talents but lending hands doesn’t put food in the fridge. She’s like me. She has to let a few things go through to achieve dreams. I was telling her how one of the first things I’m letting go of is running #NWITweetup.

#NWITweetup is a community whose leadership is meant to be shared.

And for awhile it was. It started in ’08 with Sips who then handed it off to Barath in ’09. Then Daver and I were invited to a lunch in Fall 2009 where we were asked to help organize the events as part of a new group with a new direction. That’s when we built the current site & built out the Facebook group. Little did we know that the meeting was meant to pass it on to only us.

It wasn’t too long before the email threads when from 4 readers to 2.

We finally tracked the other two down who said they had career-stuff they had to focus on. To this day I’m still sore I had to track them down instead of vice-versa. I would have understood. One buys us beers to make up for it. That’s square to me.

Before we could reassess the situation, Daver & I had the caravan in full swing.

And it’s been an incredible ride

[2am finishing update]

Daver went from between careers to a steadying career in real estate. I believe he still does speaking and social media but from what I gather he’s using social media tools for his own career. Lead by example so to speak.

The folks he met at #NWITweetup helped him get to such a place.

As for me, the friends and connections made from hosting #NWITweetups has allowed me to go from an Internet advertising factory to a chance to branch out on our own. If it wasn’t for community folks like Dalton, Mahlmann, Schwedland, Voss, Allyn Hane, Kevin Gould and crew, I wouldn’t have had the courage. Bake & I wouldn’t be so near to completion.

It’s what #NWITweetup is supposed to do

Everyone who has directed it has benefited from it, both in career and with meeting like-interested individuals.

Now it’s time to pass on the torch

As of last week, Daver & I officially agreed to hand off the reigns to the next person who we believe will benefit from it as the four of us who have held the title have benefitted. Not only that, this person has insatiable energy and will launch it to heights like none we could have imagined. I know that one!

It looks like out last #NWITweetup at the helm will be the Christmas meetup. If you know the event’s history, you know the location and what kind of shoes you’ll be wearing that night.

That will also be the night we announce the next director of #NWITweetup

The night is certain to be a blast. We’re already planning the party for the ages to give that person a proper introduction.

Maybe we can get that person a free beer or two.

About going to pasture…

As I texted the confidant tonight, It will be scary to let it go but liberating to watch it leave.

I’m looking forward to showing up just in time for pretweetup and cracking jokes in the back of the room with Dalton, Mahlmann, Hane, Schwedland, Gould and crew while someone else does the work. I think Daver & I get our beers paid from now through the end of time now that we’ll be Legacy Directors.

And we’ll clink glasses as we watch the next generation grow before our very eyes