Finn Squared

Onsite SEO Checklist – Basic (Draft 1)

An onsite SEO checklist is an evolving document given the fact that search engines are constantly updating their algorithm. Trying to keep all the factors in one place becomes daunting. But it’s better than trying to keep it all in your head.

I use this checklist as much as I have it out there for others to learn. It’s why I leave it on the website. Some folks get worried about giving away all they know. I don’t. I use the stuff as much for my knowledge and personal use as much as anything else. It’s one thing to know the stuff; it’s another to know how to use it.

I’ve loosely prioritized them in order of what I consider important. Each site, market, industry & niche has different priorities so it adjusts accordingly.

Please look it over. If you think I missed something, let me know. If you think the order is jacked, let me know.

Finn’s Onsite SEO Checklist

HTML Design – Most sites and CMSes display pages in HTML format. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. To put it simply, it’s the code that tells your web browsers (and search engine bots) what goes where. This picture goes here, this content goes there…

HTML Design is a whole different animal. W3Schools is a great online tool that provides not only free training but also provide templates where you can put in your code, see how it looks, and then copy it to your website. Great cheater tricks I still use. Start on their side columns on the left, do each one one-at-a-time. A little dedication and sweat equity and you’ll be pretty damned good at html coding and design. Even if all you want to learn is how to put in Anchor Text in a blog post or something simple, go there! It’s what I use.

HTML Design Sections for Onsite SEO:
For onsite SEO purposes, you’ll want to make sure you know the following:

  • Internal Linking This should get props higher up the priority list. Linking to other pages with full path URLs (including the http://www….) and with keyword-optimized anchor text, internally linking the pages of your website helps show search engines which pages are prioritized.
  • Social Media Integration – Use of sites like Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Tumblr & Reddit will increase viewership, interaction and provide additional links to your site.
  • Change the home page link to .com/ – One Page, 1 URL. Having a home page with .com/index or .com/default.asp (yes, even W3 Schools does it wrong)… means your home page has more than one URL indexing it. That means duplicate content. You want to avoid duplicate content.
  • Add bread crumbs – For ease of user navigation to and from subsections, add bread crumbs. Bread crumbs also improve the site’s internal linking.
  • Alt tags on page links – Originally a way for visually-impaired users to better read a web page, title & alt tags tell search engines more about website links as well as images. Filling these out provides great little places for additional keywords.
  • Include canonical & source tags – Put the canonical tag in the header to verify a particular page as the original source of content in order to show the page to be the original source of content. There are two ways to install it:
  • Redirect .com to www.comconsolidate the SEO potency of the pages.
  • Image naming – the proper way to name images is with keywords separated by hyphens/dashes. For example, name-it-like-this.jpg. This structure will increase keyword richness and improve its chances of being properly indexed in Google Image search. Also, make sure the alt tags are filled out on the images (as mentioned in the Alt Tags on page links section.
  • Social Integration: Google is paying more attention to social sites. Adding Facebook Like, Twitter RT & Google +1 buttons to the site and blog posts will help increase visibility, potential for engagement & increased potential in viewership.
  • Fat Footer: adding a fat footer to the bottom of the site that links to the site’s sections will help increase internal linking and follow Google’s guidelines to ensuring that ever page gets at least one static link.
  • Blog: The most important SEO / Social Tool is the use of a blog on a website. Adding one on the subpages of the site, updating it with news, stories, features…and making sure it corresponds with your email marketing and social strategie will significant help SEO, traffic and brand awareness.
  • Add XML sitemap – Adding an XML sitemap will help the search engines understand the architecture of your site and quickly inform them of changes.
  • Utilize robots.txt – if there are sections of the site that are no longer included or are outdated, make sure to update the robots.txt file so as to let the search engines know those files no longer exist. Once those files have been deleted from the site and removed from the index, you can update the file again. This method will help expedite the removal of outdated content from the system, thereby increasing the potency of your site.
  • I Hope This Helps

    Let me know what more I can do to make this easier for you to read.

    What Did I Miss?

    Guys, lemmme know!