Finn Squared

The BakedFinn hard launch is coming

I’m at that stage of the flu where I think I have energy and prepare to be productive. Then I blink and three hours of deep, unfettered sleep goes by. Well, two halves of 90 minutes because I can’t hide like I could at this time last year.

Lists, lists, lists

The last of the todos for the BakedFinn hard launch is starting to get finalized. If you don’t like of the look of the BF site by October 28, blame me. In fact all our todos for BakedFinn need to be ready to go by the 28th because we’re starting a bit of PR for BakedFinn. Props to some Project 03 stakeholders for the ideas. They’ve been godsends.


Deadlines collide

The BakedFinn deadline is running smack into the finalizing of the basic functionality of the Game Changer project, but I don’t get to always pick the deadline. Life happens that way. We’re looking forward to seeing how that project runs on its own. It’s about time to kick the GC out of the nest and see if it’ll fly. Prayers up on high for our GC friends.


As for

My CSS skills are coming along and the site is running on Project 03 so I’m essentially learning two things at once (great observation, Bella). I got the concept of CSS cold. Thank you, past SEO skills. Now it’s a case of memorizing all the available commands.

A couple more case studies

We’ve got a couple more case studies to launch and a couple more who are agreeing to try out Project 03 so the agency-like momentum is starting to waft its way into the atmosphere.


Speaking of lists – shout out to DK

Speaking of case studies, one of them – Jim Ullom – told my mentor Douglas Karr about his case study and asked what DK thought. Douglas Karr gave him a nice little laundry list of Quality Control edits I have to finish for Jim’s new home inspection website launch. The best part of it all is that aside from Google Snippet support, we were on par with all the same edits for the site. Thank you, DK! Hope to see y’all in Indy soon.


Once the lists are done & the Hard Launch begins..

I get to go back to heavy writing. Maybe the winter of 210,000 words…

But, before that

Finishing up Project 03.

It’s amazing where the inspiration and creativity has taken us.

And, oh, the places we could go.


Who knows? I might be able to finish designing this infernal wreck of a site.

Stay tuned. We’ll let you know when it’s launched.