Finn Squared

Third SEO Boy Post and the Week Ahead

I just finished my newest post (to be published tomorrow AM at 6:59 CST) for SEO Boy. It’s about the importance of keeping your blogging, SEO, Social Media efforts as if every day leading up to Christmas is Cyber Monday. It’s a tactic my old boss preached last season and it’s a tactic more people should adopt. I show this Chris Brogan video in my post:

Please read my SEO Boy post, tell me you love it, make friends with it. Leave comments, and most importantly, enjoy!

I had trouble sleeping because this week is exciting. I’ve got a potential post-dinner meeting with some prospects, I’ve got a lunch meeting with some area Social Media dieties, then Thursday AM I’ve got another prospect meeting before I take off for Indianapolis for some friends, and Book of Blues editing – about &*&*ing time.

There are some great things coming not only for me but, if I do it right, for The Region. For fear of sounding vain, I think if we can put a couple things together just right, the area 2.0 community could get an infusion of idea, interaction, and identity.

Here’s to hoping. I hope I get to start announcing things soon, but one idea got backed up a month. So things go.

(photo credit:  Hanapin Marketing via Flickr)