Finn Squared

NWiSM February 2012 update & the latest on #NWITweetup

I had the pleasure of spending last week with my old supervisior and another great colleague (they’re pictured above) helping the brilliant young minds of the Missouri University School of Journalism – ranked #1 in the country – prepare for the Google Online Challenge. They were eager, starved for knowledge and sharp as tacks. My buddy and his colleagues have done quite the job in taking the convergence media students into the 21st century.

Even more fun, I got to help the Reynolds Journalism Institute with an SEO question. It was cool to be a part of something that established. And to add to the fun, we got to be in Columbia, MO during the Missouri / Kansas game. We swore we could hear the students eruppt once the game finished.

Then I came back to a mountain emails Monday but I wouldn’t trade the trip for anything. Big ups to Brad & Keli for their couch and to the staff for bringing us back!


We’re sorting out who’s going to be writing the majority of the primer content and who just wants to write testimonials. It’ll take a little bit of everything and we’re quickly understanding that. But those who are willing to write the primer are learning about the pot O gold at the end of the rainbow. Pot ‘O Gold being proverbial. We have our luncheon at the end of the month. Those who want to come out are more than welcome.


We’ve been asked why #NWITweetup has been so quiet. The answer has to do with the fact that the community up here did what we hoped it’d do:  take it upon themselves to start planning meetups. They’re doing good things via Facebook groups. We told them that when they’re ready to announce a public event that the #NWITweetup site is at their disposal. It always has been. So even though we aren’t using it as much, please keep on the lookout for it because there will be some stuff announced on there before too long.

If you want to know more about the Facebook groups, let me know. They make those groups closed so If you’re interested, I’ll ask. Daver & I aren’t moderators on them. We’re just glad to be a part of them.

Any questions on anything I wrote about in this post?

Just let me know!